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Car accident fatalities increase in Arizona

On Behalf of | Jul 3, 2014 | Car Accidents |

The key to avoiding a car wreck in Yuma, or anywhere else in the country, is to exercise caution when driving. Traffic rules and median and lane markers should be observed very closely. Arizona transportation and police departments often conduct traffic safety campaigns to stop drunk driving before a tragedy occurs. Although all-in-all alcohol related fatal accidents are down statewide, this is not the case for some counties.

According to a recent study, deaths from car accidents are increasing. In fact, according to a report by Arizona’s transportation department, accident fatalities increased by nearly 3 percent in the last 2 years. Last year, 844 people died in auto collisions. A police department official said fatal car collisions are generally horrifying, such as one incident, where a driver while negotiating a U-turn, was unable to judge the speed of oncoming cars and totaled his car.

An important factor for staying safe on Arizona roads is to drive defensively. Drivers should create a safe distance between themselves and the vehicle ahead so more reaction time to stop a vehicle is available. Staying focused while driving is also a key to preventing car accidents. One Arizona county received money from the governor’s office to crack down on drunk drivers, because alcohol use is closely related to fatal car collisions. The county has initiated a crackdown and has stopped 170 vehicles, and police have made double-digit arrests related to drunk driving.

Car collisions might be, to some extent, inevitable so it is necessary to follow safety rules as closely as possible while driving. Charges can be brought against a driver involved in a car collision if negligence can be proven. The victim or the victim’s family may be able to seek compensation for medical and other expenses related to the accident. Doing so could help them deal with the immense costs associated with an automobile accident.

Source:, “Havasu vehicle fatalities at 10-year high in ’13,” Kevin Baird, June 18, 2014