The Longest-Established Yuma Personal Injury Law Firm

3 important facts about bicycle helmets riders need to know

On Behalf of | Jul 22, 2024 | Car Accidents |

Bicycles provide children and teenagers with a sense of independence. They provide adults with a low-cost form of transportation. They are also a popular way to exercise. Unfortunately, bicycles can also be incredibly dangerous. Even when a cyclist is quite proficient at riding safely, they can end up seriously injured by the behavior of other people in traffic. Collisions involving cyclists often produce severe or even fatal injuries.

Helmets are one of the most common forms of protective gear used by cyclists, although many people choose not to use them consistently. Cyclists and parents in Yuma who understand the three important facts below may have a different perspective on helmet use than most people.

Children may need to wear helmets

Arizona does not have a state statute requiring helmet use. However, Yuma is one of several municipalities with a helmet rule for riders under the age of 18. Children need to wear helmets to comply with local ordinances. The failure to wear a helmet could lead to a citation.

Helmets can save lives

People often question whether wearing a helmet is truly necessary. After all, some Styrofoam and plastic is unlikely to do much to protect someone from me brutal force of a car crash. However, research clearly indicates that helmets can save lives and reduce the severity of injuries. Particularly when cyclists lose control, a helmet could help them walk away unscathed from a traffic incident.

Helmets have an expiration date

Some people make the mistake of wearing the same helmet for years without ever thinking about replacing it. Unfortunately, if they get into crashes, they may discover too late that their helmets are not in optimal condition anymore. The plastic of a helmet can become brittle after regular use and exposure to solar radiation. The Styrofoam inside a helmet can become less effective at protecting the head with age.

If someone has any type of incident where they hit their head while wearing a helmet, the force of the incident could compromise the integrity of the helmet, meaning it won’t provide protection if a future crash occurs. Replacing helmets occasionally can be as important as wearing them consistently.

Riders and parents who understand the risks related to bicycle collisions may understand why helmets are so important. Anyone hurt in a car-bicycle crash may need assistance seeking compensation afterward. Helmet use typically does not impact the right to seek insurance coverage or file a lawsuit against a negligent driver.