The law in Arizona allows people traveling on foot to use the same roads that vehicles do. Generally, pedestrians should use sidewalks when they can, but they can walk on the left side of the road when no sidewalks are available. They should walk facing into traffic,...
Year: 2023
Accidentes entre autos y bicicletas: causas comunes
Montar en bicicleta es una actividad saludable y amigable con el medio ambiente, pero desafortunadamente, los ciclistas a menudo se enfrentan a peligros en las carreteras. En este artículo, exploraremos las causas comunes de accidentes entre autos y bicicletas. Es...
What should you do if someone is tailgating you?
If someone is tailgating you, you may feel like responding emotionally. After all, you know that tailgating is dangerous. The other person is driving in a negligent manner and increasing the odds that you will be injured in an accident. It’s very normal to feel...
3 reasons farm vehicles, like tractors, can cause serious crashes
Farm vehicles, including tractors, combines and numerous other large machines, are not the same as traditional motor vehicles. Their design prioritizes efficiency in the fields rather than safe travels on the road. Some of the most catastrophic collisions that occur...
Caminar distraído: peligros y soluciones para peatones
En la era digital en la que vivimos, es común ver a personas absortas en sus teléfonos mientras caminan por la calle. Aunque la tecnología nos brinda muchas comodidades, también nos expone a nuevos riesgos. A continuación, exploraremos los peligros de caminar...
Should you replace your helmet after a motorcycle crash?
Motorcycle helmets are becoming stronger than ever, thanks largely to the evolving technology of the special foam inside them. As a result, it’s understandable if you’re wondering whether you still need to replace your helmet if you’ve been involved in a crash, or is...
4 consejos de seguridad al conducir
No importa si está conduciendo en una autopista de alta velocidad o en una concurrida calle de la ciudad, ponerse al volante puede ser una actividad arriesgada. Incluso los conductores más cautelosos y responsables pueden enfrentar situaciones peligrosas debido a las...
1 factor plays a role in almost 75% of pedestrian deaths
Those who regularly walk, jog or run on or near public roads typically need to make safety their top priority, as drivers often fail to monitor their surroundings appropriately. Factors including the local speed limit, the impairment of a driver or the distraction of...
Cómo evitar choques en una zona de construcción
A pesar de que ya se acerca el fin del verano, los conductores de Arizona aún pueden ver construcciones aparecer en las principales autopistas y en calles. Si bien estos proyectos podrían ser necesarios para mejorar el flujo del tráfico o conectar a más comunidades en...
2 safety rules that can protect cyclists from major collisions
Cyclists in Arizona typically share the road with motor vehicles. While there are many miles of bike paths, plenty of people bike for transportation, not just exercise and recreation. They need to get around in urban areas and will therefore share the same lanes of...